Packaging box design and production manufacturers must master the five design direction

Packaging box design and production manufacturers must master the five design direction

Packaging box design and production factory It is said that product packaging planning shoulders multiple tasks, one is the product’s own needs; the second is the business through the packaging to reach the intention of promoting the product; three is to fit the aesthetic requirements of the consumer sense of the times. The common point of all three is to make the product to maximize the supply of consumers. The theoretical structure of this kind of product box planning is somewhat sketchy, but in fact it does not find the substance of the back of the planning. When a marketing conscious box manufacturer performs the box planning case, all the efforts are not only the visual grasp or the structural innovation, but whether the product marketing planning involved in this case has a comprehensive understanding.

   If the product box planning manufacturer lacks a comprehensive demand analysis, market positioning, marketing strategy and other pre-planning, all of its innovative ideas are only self-glorification in finishing a set path, which is not a commercial and sophisticated planning work, but an artistic work for display. This is a kind of traditional occupational disease about the essence of business and shopping malls, and also a kind of underestimation and loss of intention and policy in the process.

   The birth of each new product to the market, is through the planning and planning of demand analysis, research and development, market positioning, branding to marketing and other processes of strategic structure, the details of which are complex, but these processes and the development of packaging box planning direction is inseparable. From the current case planning and implementation form of the packaging box planning manufacturers in the professional norm to insight, most of the business owners do not supply these front strategic information and planning information, and our packaging box planning manufacturers do not automatically to understand, exchange and analysis.

   If you can switch from theoretical agreement or not to the consideration dimension of how much substantive insight, perhaps, you can jump out of the dogmatic form and keep discovering the unconcerned coincidence.

   Before planning and analyzing, the packaging box manufacturer should first identify the difference between "product" and "product", that is, an unpackaged content is a "product" and a product processed by a packaging box is a "product". So what is the intention of the existence of the packaging box as a product endorsement, in addition to the basic functions of storage and maintenance, delivery and transmission?

   1, the first essence of packaging planning, is "wisdom + manufacture of a package of information explosives". Because before reaching the purchase and unpacking experience, this information package on the shelves of the store is to open a competition with other competing products with information, aiming to stand out and cause consumers to gather and pass the reason to buy to blow up the consumer's mind form and reach the purchase.

   2, we want to achieve any thing, is the need to pay the cost. One of the most central intentions of all the planning ideas and innovations of our box planning manufacturers is to reduce the cost of the boxes being found on the shelves. All our efforts in the packaging planning process are not for art exhibitions or skill competitions, but to make the product packaging boxes on the shelves of the dazzling satisfaction chart how to attract consumers to love and impress them to buy.

   3, packaging box planning and manufacturing manufacturers of all packaging box manufacturing is to the store, to the shelves, the first step in its packaging planning is not how to plan this packaging, the primary task is to plan the entire shelf. In the store, only a small piece of shelf position planning rights belong to us, we have to go through this shelf idea to plan the display advantages of our boxes, so that their product packaging boxes in the redundant and complicated to stand out.

   4, the product packaging box is a symbol on the shelf, the packaging box planning and manufacturing manufacturer's primary consideration is not how to distinguish information on the box, but how to distinguish the product brand perception on the shelf, which is the brand symbol construction of the packaging box as a whole, and its central recommendation is how to create a super memorable brand symbol information on the packaging box.

   5, the packaging box planning manufacturer in the packaging box planning of the front thought, to have a firm counseling belief: I am a new product, and no one has heard of it, and there is no money smashing television advertising, but only we plan the packaging box on the shelves, it is necessary to let it speak for itself and consumers to communicate quickly, to sell themselves out. This is like seeing a picture in the WeChat group or circle of friends to let me have a click on the big picture of the starting idea. Home must master the five design direction

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