Color Box Packaging Design and Printing – 7 Design Secrets You Must Know

Color box packaging is the final link of interaction between consumers and brands before consumers make purchase decisions. Therefore, the front of the packaging (the main display surface) to show the content and effect of the planning, with no substitute for the marketing and promotion effect.

Professional packaging planners can be brand promotion, marketing and product features useful combination and do eight sides, and even complete more functions, the trick is what?

1, explore the competition environment

Start planning, first of all, to understand the product can be among what kind of shopping mall, and then deepen the mall to carry out research, from the point of view of the brand to ask the question: Who am I? Can I be trusted by consumers? What makes me different? Can I stand out from many competitors? Why do consumers choose me? What is the biggest benefit or advantage I can bring to the consumer? How can I create an emotional connection with the consumer? What cues can I use?

The intention of exploring the competitive environment is to use differentiation strategies in similar products to complete the brand and product promotion, giving consumers a reason to choose this product.

2,Establishment of information hierarchy

The arrangement of information is a key element of positive planning. Broadly speaking, the information hierarchy can be divided into the following levels: brand, product, variety, benefits. Front planning for packaging, to analyze the product information they want to convey, and according to the importance of its order, to establish an orderly and common information hierarchy structure, so that consumers can quickly find the products they want in many products, and then complete their satisfaction with the consumer experience.

3,Invent the focus of planning elements

The brand has enough personality, its products will be able to settle in the mall? Not necessarily! Because the planner also needs to be clear that the product needs to convey the most important characteristics of the information is what, and then the outstanding product characteristics of the primary information on the front of the most eye-catching place. If the branding of the product is the focal point of the plan, consider including the brand identity alongside the brand logo. Shapes, colors, illustrations and photographic images can be used to reinforce the brand’s focal point. Most importantly, consumers can quickly find the product the next time they shop.

4 The rule of simplicity

Less is more, which is a planning talent. Verbal expression and visuals should be kept concise to ensure that the primary visual cues on the packaging are understood and tolerated by the masses. In general, beyond two or three points of the depiction, will show the effect of pulling the plug, too many advantages of the depiction will weaken the center of the brand message, and then lead to consumers in the process of shopping for the product to lose interest in the product.

Keep in mind that most of the packaging will be on the side to add more information, which is the shopper wants to know more about the product information will go to the place of attention, the need to fully utilize the side of the package orientation, planning can not be careless. If you can not use the side of the package to show a wealth of product information, you can also consider adding tags to allow consumers to learn more about the brand content.

5 use visual effects to convey value

Through the front of the package to set up a bright window to show the product inside, is always the right choice, because consumers want to get visual recognition when shopping.

In addition, shapes, patterns, graphics and colors have the ability to communicate without words. Elements that show the product’s features, stimulate the consumer’s desire to shop, establish a love connection with the consumer, and highlight the texture of the product can be used to create a sense of belonging and connection. Advocate the use of pictures should contain elements that can show the characteristics of the product, together with the integration of lifestyle elements.

6, pay attention to the unique rules of each type of product

No matter what kind of product, its packaging planning has its own rules and characteristics, some rules need to be followed meticulously. Some of these rules are important because going against the grain may give an emerging brand an edge. However, in the case of food, the product itself is simply always a selling point, so food packaging is planned and printed with a greater emphasis on the evocative reproduction of food images.

In contrast, for pharmaceutical products, branding and the physical characteristics of the product may be non-essential – sometimes even unnecessary – and the parent brand logo may not need to be on the front of the package, but it is essential to emphasize the product’s designation and use. Nevertheless, on all varieties of products, cut down on the front of the package too much content to form a disorder, or even choose a very concise front planning, are desirable.

7, can not ignore the product’s findability and purchasability

Packaging planner for a brand of