
The importance of color in the production process of packaging boxes

When we buy the products we need, the product (box) plays a decisive role in whether our customers buy the product or not, and the final decision on whether our customers buy the product is determined by the color of the box. Therefore, the color of the product packaging has a very important effect in promoting sales. Here we elaborate and understand the importance of color to the box and to the sale of the product. With the rapid development of...


What are the design elements that need to be paid attention to during the production of packaging boxes

In the production process of packaging boxes, we all expect our boxes to be endured by product manufacturers and customers, and to reach the requirements and role of packaging. Then we have to consider the following details in the manufacturing of packaging boxes, which can greatly increase your packaging effect if done well. I. Graphic planning In the product packaging, graphics is an essential part. Graphics are more direct and clear than words, and are not constrained by language barriers. And the...


The role and importance of the knife mold for packaging box making

  Any box big goods production is necessary to come out of the knife mold, I believe many customers will hear the packaging box manufacturers to talk about it. For example, when sampling boxes, if it is admitted that the scale will not be changed, the knife mold will be issued, and if the scale is not very admitted, the sample will be made by hand. Gift box knife-mold is made by outside knife-mold factories, and the knife-mold drawings are drawn...


The inseparable relationship between packaging boxes and us

In daily life, the packaging box is very common, it has a certain market from low-end to high-grade, and the types and styles of packaging boxes are becoming more and more novel, noble and elegant, with a wide range of applications. They are mainly used in jewelry, electronics, food, clothing, toys, etc. A good product with packaging is common, so that we can get satisfaction from the mind and senses. Even a general product, with packaging, it can also enjoy the...


What are the main printing methods of packaging box printing

Nowadays, many companies sell not only products, but also "services" and "packaging". Therefore, nowadays, companies or enterprises pay attention to the product at the same time also pay great attention to the packaging, because many products packaging is the most direct side of the display to consumers. In other words, how a product is packaged will directly affect the purchase rate of consumers. Today, the product packaging box design company - I will introduce several main printing methods for packaging...


What are the environmental pollution and management preventive measures in packaging box printing

印刷在我国历史悠久,归于极具代表性的传统职业,它促进了我国的政治、经济和文化的开展;在发生积极作用的一起,也带来了许多的环境问题,如环境污染、资源枯竭、生态环境的损坏等,严峻影响和限制了(包装盒)印刷工业的开展,这影响着人类的生计和开展。那怎么才能有用处理和预防包装盒印刷中环境的污染及管理的预防措施呢?现在,怎么采取积极有用地方法实现绿色包装印刷现已成为包装印刷企业面临的首要问题。 下面咱们包装盒厂家将以包装盒印刷过程中运用的印刷资料以及出产工艺为起点,分析其出产过程中怎么对环境等发生污染,并提出针对性的管理处理措施。 一、包装盒印刷过程中常见的污染有哪些? 咱们包装盒印刷的出产过程中对环境来说污染是非常大的,首要还是包装印刷中的印刷工艺所发生的污染居多,常见的污染有:胶片、油墨、印刷及印后加工对环境发生的污染。 1、胶片污染 胶片在确保印刷质量中相对来说还是比较重要的,许多的包装盒厂家选用有版印刷,即模仿印刷。可是咱们包装盒厂家在制版时首要选用照排机出胶片,然后再职称印刷版。可是咱们的胶片和其他资料不同,咱们知道胶片是归于感光资料,这种资料的光敏物质是卤化银,定影后废液中含有银离子和其他类似的化学物质,简单对环境发生污染,虽然包装印刷过程中定影液可以收回,可是收回增加了印刷厂家的成本,所以收回的非常的少。 2、印刷油墨 印刷油墨在咱们(包装盒厂家)中的运用范围和种类也是非常的多,恰恰如此,油墨成为了包装盒厂家的首要污染源。据职业调查数据显现:目前我国世界油墨年产量现已到达千万吨,并且每年油墨引起的全球有机挥发物污染排量现已到达几百万吨。 印刷油墨从大的组成成分来说首要由颜料、连接剂、溶剂等组成,部分无机额猜中含有重金属,如铅、铜、等,不但会发生一些毒性,一起部分颜猜中还存在联苯胶,存在致痘物质,给人类健康带来很大的影响。此外,油墨中的挥发物还可以构成比二氧化碳更为严峻的温室效应。 二、印刷以及印后加工污染 由于包装盒类型的多样性,导致了包装盒印刷方式相对比较多,印刷过程中不可避免的运用到润湿液、清洗剂、调墨剂等化学试剂,这些化学试剂中存在较多的有机物,这些有机物简单发生大量的废液,对环境等发生很大的影响。一起,确保印刷过程中运用的腹膜资料、上光油等均会对环境等发生很大的影响。一起,包装印刷机械在运行过程中又会发生噪声、热量等污染,影响周围环境。 1、加强绿色化管理 包装印刷企业在开展过程中必须加强绿色化管理,坚持走保护环境线路,从而为企业构成一条经济、环境彼此统一的成长道路。包装印刷企业比较根据实际情况拟定相应的规章制度,及时调整企业的出产经营方向,实施绿色化管理,从而抢占潜力无限的绿色商场,从而取得杰出的经济效益。 2、运用绿色环保资料 印刷资料是印刷规划的物流媒体,包装印刷过程中运用的资料决定了出产过程中资料的能量和效能。绿色印刷资料在挑选运用过程中应该遵循“低能耗、低成本、少污染、可以收回利用”等原则,如在挑选运用胶片时可以运用一种“绿色胶片”。 一起,为了下降油墨对环境的影响,在包装印刷过程中可以选用污染的新式油墨,常见的有水性墨、UV墨以及生物油墨等,这种资料在运用过程中既可以满足包装印刷的需要,一起也减少了对环境的污染。 3、通过绿色认证,获取绿色签证 ISO14000是目前世界相对比较权威的标准化组织,它首要是为了保护全球环境,促进世界经济的可持续开展,针对包装印刷过程中出现的环境污染,相关企业可以请求ISO14000环境认证,这样不仅可以使包装企业取得世界商场的绿色证,一起还可以进步企业的位置,下降成本,从而可以有用的进步企业的整体效益。 综上所述,包装印刷和人类的日子息息相关,包装印刷在开展的一起也对环境发生了很大的影响,它严峻阻碍了包装印刷企业的持续开展,一起影响了社会的协调,包装印刷企业应该根据本企业实际情况拟定合理的管理预防措施,促进包装印刷企业的长效开展。


Gravure printing process knowledge in packaging box printing

In the process of rapid economic development, not only have other professions developed at an unprecedented rate, but our packaging box printing profession has also developed rapidly and is moving in the direction of high speed and automation. So it is necessary for us to grasp the quality control methods of gravure printing, which is of great importance to us (packaging box manufacturers). The quality of packaging boxes, gravure printing characteristics of the printing skills and a variety of printing-related discipline...


Several aspects of packaging box printing with a high error rate

The error rate we are talking about is the frequency or number of mistakes we make in the process of doing a job, accumulated in the total job. It can be said that any piece of work has its own possibility to present mistakes, in our (packaging box) printing is also the same, will more or less present some mistakes or errors. Although this is what we do not want to see, but some of the conditions are difficult to...


Packaging box printing production process

If you don't punch the holes, you can wipe the glue on the surface, and finally, you can punch the holes. Then it can be packed and delivered.Pattern or text, box printing production refers to the decorative pattern printed on the packaging. This is to make the product more attractive or descriptive. Packaging box printing production process is very strict small to say the production process of packaging box printing: 1. Plate makingNowadays, gift boxes are beautiful and beautiful in appearance....


Some of the uses of packaging box printing in various industries in Shenzhen function

The box has many functions: it must be able to protect the contents of the package, to promote the packaged product and to convey certain information to the customer. The audience can identify the manufacturer of the product through the box printing, and it should provide appropriate trademark protection. Box printing should provide ease of use and be closely related to the promotion of the product. Packaging that is easy to carry and use obviously promotes sales. When we generally buy...